At Cafe Bohemia, which promotes oriental culture, belly dancers will beautifying your dinner time.
Date:8/17(THU)1st Show 20:00〜、2nd Show 21:30〜
Charge: A minimum charge of 2000 yen per person will be charged.
Depending on the store situation on the day of the event, we may not be able to give priority to seats where you can easily watch the belly dance.
If you would like to reserve a viewing seat, please contact us using the contact details below by 3:00pm on the day of the event.
Please note that the only times you can reserve a seat are from 19:00 and 19:30.
We cannot accept reservations for customers arriving after 19:30, so please arrive as early as possible.
[Reservation phone number: 03-6861-9170]
Sax: Shinji Ide
Graduated from Berklee College of Music. In 2013, he performed with many Grammy Award-winning artists as the sax section leader of the Quincy Jones Big Band. Bandmaster of Ryudo Uzaki's band "O,J,B," (2007-2012). Performed with many artists including Funk Orchestra TPO, David Matthews JJCats, Yuzo Kayama, Yukari Ito, Mie Nakao, Koichi Iwaki, Ichiro Toba, Kaori Mizumori, Meiko Kaji, Yoko Natsuki, Nobuyoshi Kuwano, Hiromi Ota, Ami Ozaki, and many others.
He is currently active as a member of the group "Otsutsu Kotsutsu" with Ryohei Okabe (perc), as well as the "Tokyo Brass Art Orchestra" and "Migiwa Miyajima Miggy + Jazz Orchestra."
Per. Ryohei Okabe
After graduating from Nihon University College of Art, he played in a samba team and performed at Disney Resort, etc. Since studying under Tomo Yamaguchi, a percussionist who uses recycled instruments, he is a percussionist who has a penchant for anything that makes a sound when struck.
He is currently actively working in various units including Otsutsu Kotsutsu, Carnavacation, Modern Tonight, Kowa~core~, YAPANI!, and Pineapple Dandy.
Won the Asakusa Samba Carnival in 2002 and 2003. Participated in the FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL in 2006.
Appeared at KARA's Tokyo Dome concert in 2013.
ベリーダンサー 幼少時より歌と踊りが大好きで、高校時よりクラシックバレエ、ジャズダンス、演劇、声楽の基礎を学びミュージカルなど数々の舞台に立つ。 2007年師Nourahに出会いベリーダンスの世界へ。東京ガールズコレクションや渋谷ヒカリエにて、多種多様なダンスと音楽のステージ「BAM!」出演、海外イスタンブールでのBaBaZulaとの共演、他ジャンルとのコラボレーションや、国内イベント、レストラン等数多くの出演をしながら都内各地で講師を務める。 ターキッシュスタイル、アンビエントスタイルを得意とし、シャープでアクティブな表現力、しなやかで繊細な腕の動きは観る者を別世界へいざなう。 古来から祈りや女性性讃頌のために踊られていた歴史に共感し、「踊ることは祈ること」という想いから、女性であることを楽しんで欲しいとい願っている。レッスンでは、振り付けと即興をおりまぜながら、感じたことを自由に表現する喜びを伝えている。
Pursues and expresses the mysterious beauty of Oriental style and primitive tribal style.
He enjoys improvisation and live performances, connecting the world of music with the audience.
They perform as opening acts when overseas artists visit Japan, as well as dancing at corporate events and restaurant shows.
He also works as an instructor.
SAO Belly Dance Director