Cafe Bohemia is not just a café but also promotes oriental culture through music, shisha, and dance. Professional belly dancers will be appearing to add a seductive touch to your dinner time.
<LELA Profile>
Oriental Dancer Instructor
Member of Komatsu Yoshi Arabian Dance Company
He began studying under Yoshi Komatsu in 2009. In 2012, he began working as a show dancer and instructor.
She has appeared in many events and restaurant shows mainly in Tokyo and Yokohama. She aims to be a dancer who can dance to a variety of sounds, not just Arabic music, and she performs a variety of shows.
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<Hannah プロフィール>
Oriental Dancer Instructor
2007年より小松芳氏に師事。舞踊団所属ショーダンサーとしてスタジオ内外の各種イベントでパフォーマンスする他、都内トルコ料理店を中心にレギュラー を務め年間100本以上のショーを精力的に行っている。また世界トップクラスで活躍する一流ダンサーや振付師のワークショップを積極的に受け、自身が目指 すオリエンタルダンスを学び続けている。「音と空間をつなぐ」をコンセプトに邁進中!